Bodhi left Florida at 6 am this morning with the help of Kathy, the barn manager and my mom. Kathy said he loaded without hesitation. Good thing we worked hard on trailer loading in the beginning because seeing the pictures I would have had reservations if I were him!

Come on Bodhi! Get home soon!
Hoping for a good and safe trip, and thank you for your kind comments on my blog - they're much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteWow, that's a big trailer! Looks like he's got plenty of room in there though. How long is the trip supposed to be for him?
ReplyDeleteHurry up, Bodhi! Canada is looking forward to meeting you!
ReplyDeleteI hope he has a good trip! That is a big rig - must dampen the road vibrations a bit...
ReplyDeleteMy horse shipped from California to Virginia on a similar type of rig and she did great! The bigger rigs make it easier for them to balance and those drivers are fantastic...
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing more exciting than seeing one pull up with your horse on it either! Good luck Bodhi & safe travels to you guys are all reunited again soon. :)
I remember how worried I was when my Dutch had to be shipped. Hang in there... He will be home soon:-) and those trailers are big, comfy, and those guys are prof's at moving horses.
ReplyDeleteSafe travels Bodhi! Looks like he gets to travel in style!! So fun :)
ReplyDeleteWith such a nice big stall, I'm sure Bodhi will have a low-key trip and arrive to you safe and sound. I'm sure you're excited to see your pony! And I'm sure you're both going to love the cooler weather (well, until winter hits ya like a ton of bricks, lol!).
ReplyDeleteBIIIIG trailer! I hope Bohdi arrives save and sound. Those rigs are great for horses.
ReplyDeleteHooray!! Soon you will have your horse with you!!!
ReplyDeleteWe had a similar trailer bring a new horse to our barn from BC. I was sad i didn't get to see them pull up.
ReplyDeletei haven't been reading that long but I was curious as to why you moved to Winnipeg. I grew up 6 hours north of there and my parents now live in Winnipeg.
Yay, you will have your pony before you know it! Bodhi looks like he was a real trooper. He seems very inquisitive anyway, so I could see him totally being into his adventure.
ReplyDeleteI hope you both like being in Canada. I haven't spent much time where you are but you should have at least a couple months of nice weather. When it gets cold feel free to ask for tips :) You really can enjoy winter...but you have to dress for it!
Thanks everybody for the comments. I will keep you posted on Bodhi updates when I get them...
ReplyDeletesmazourek- it is supposed to be 24 hours to Toronto and then a day or two layover and then 24 hours to Winnipeg. I told him to take picture in Toronto since I have never been but knowing him he forgot to charge his phone.
Story- I did have a bit of an issue. I had to search. There are only a few companies I found that had good reviews and that would cross the boarder. Email me if you want their info.
goodtimetoreview- thanks for stopping by! I am moving up to Winnipeg for my Masters degree. I study a particular sub field of biology and U of M happens to have a good number of specialists.
U of M is a great school. Almost all of my friends went there. AND one of my favorite tack stores is in Winnipeg! Last summer when I was home I dragged my dad there with me but I left with lots of great deals.
ReplyDeletePS Bodhi is really cute I love Haflingers!
Bodhi is such a trooper! We walked together down the long dirt road in the dim light of dawn. He wasn't phased and his expression told me he was humming happily to himself.
ReplyDeleteAs I approached that massive trailer I thought, "Hm, I wonder how Bodhi will respond..."
He looked at the trailer with excitement, not fear. Then I was told to lead him up that narrow ramp into the abyss. I could hardly slow him down going up that ramp. Then inside the trailer we had to go up another ramp into the back of the trailer, through a narrow hallway. No problem for Bodhi! The guys told me to swing his butt around and stand there, so I did. In an instant both men were cnnecting wall panels in front of Bodhi to form his box stall. Lots of metal and clanking. No big deal! Bodhi wanted to paw the lush shavings under his hooves!
I put on his comfy halter, unclipped, gave him a rub and walked out. He probably rolled in those shavings!
If any horse would enjoy such an adventure, it would be the Bodhsters!
It was adorable when I said to Molly's mom, "I'm impressed! He's a brave boy." And she responded with, "Molly taught him that a click meant to go in. She never made him."
What a wonderful horse mommy to instill such confidence in a pony!
Keep us updated!
Thinking about the Bodster as he travels!! I know he will be happy to explore his new country :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Kathy! I am so glad he was a good boy! Just got a call from David the driver. Bodhi will be in Toronto this evening... David does not think They will leave again until Weds or Thurs of next week! What a bummer! I hope he enjoys his lay over. If they stall him the whole time he might get pretty frustrated. I hope that is not the case.
ReplyDeleteSaid a prayer that your little man has a safe and stress-free trip (and for anyone thinking that's silly, I'll add that I pray for our horses all the time as I consider them nothing short of a gift from God - they're just way too awesome not to be ;o) You'll have to find someone to video your reunion...bet he'll be awfully happy to see you!