Monday, August 23, 2010

Awww Shucks

I have been a bit down and out as of late. Doubting my abilities as a scientist because learning new protocal is hard, and I am making mistakes. Also Bodhi's is still off on the right hind and between the cold hosing and stall rest for him and the hard work enviorment, and the fact that we still don't have our house, is turning us into squabbling babies. Yes both of us. I can't manage the simple act of cold hosing without picking a fight. So needless to say I am feeling a more than a touch incompetent.

So it feels extra nice to receive a blog award from the Lovely Blog Calm, Forward, Straight. How thoughtful! What perfect timing as well. Thank you!

I would like to pass this award down the line to The Jumping Percheron. She has also just moved cross country with her horse (though she had to cross an ocean!). She is a brave person in so many ways. She is brave for riding such a large lady over such high obstacles for starters.

Gee gads I would lose my lunch! Check out her blog and you will see so many other reasons she deserves a real badge of honor not just a blog one. Sorry blog awards are the only thing I am qualified to give!
There are not many rules with this award...JUST :
1)that you give it to only one person
2)link back to this post, so they may have an understanding to it's true nature
3) You may use any or all of the below written descriptions, with the award picture

~INTREPID RIDERS FACTION ~We strive to go where others only dare to go with our horse loves...healing,being respectful of the horse, riding, playing, camping, jumping, swimming and traveling down the trails of life. . . . with the horse in Heart ~ Overcoming many obstacles and sometimes weather, to ride!

This Award is dedicated to those Horse lovers and riders that inspire others to go deeper in ability, knowledge and understanding of the Equine(s) they have been entrusted to.The good of the horse is the ultimate goal apart from pressures to achieve ribbons and fit into lesson schedules.

~Some of These riders are fearless, when it comes to weather conditions and the forecasting of them...being with their horses, fills these folks' soul and takes the cares out of daily routines.
~They are unconditionally loving to the horse and may have rescued it from known ailment or living condition.

~Others have researched and purchased/ acquired their horse, to find a difficulty in temperament or a physical burden within the animal. Yet, Being dedicated , they have persevered to proudly be in partnership with their horse, lovingly striving for deeper awareness's between them.

~Some horse lovers may have been riding for years and suddenly, had an accident that takes them away from the great joy and freedom they have, being aboard such a magnificent animal. ~They have allowed the healing horse to rise in their hearts once again, and beckon them back!

(And this is my favorite part)
Fear is not my normal response to things ... just a desire to achieve higher understanding of what may lay ahead of me with my mare, that truly is a gift to my heart and soul. I always seek out knowledgeable and caring individuals to assist me, in any quest I may look into.
I am taking with me the good I have gleaned from caring individuals that have shown great single minded LOVE to the horse, and am leaving the dust of the bad behind me, not allowing it to fetter my supreme desire to be all I can be : as a rider to my mare and also - to allow- her to be the Equine athlete she truly is!


  1. I like that award. Congrats on it!

  2. I too was a bit down and struggling when Grey Horse Matters awarded me. Glad I could pass good wishes along to you - you and Bodhi deserve them. Hope you feel a bit better, and that everything gets back on track soon.

    Take care-

  3. Congratulations on a well-deserved award!

  4. Hang in there Golden. Grad school is tough and will test you, for sure. A wise prof once told me to remember, "Graduate school and completing your thesis is a marathon, not a race. Pace yourself." One day at a time, so to speak. You'll get there and be better for it, but not without some growing pains. You certainly deserve an award!

  5. Awwwww thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope things start to go a little smoother for you both!!!

  6. Congratulations, Golden!

    p.s. You are not are just settling in. It will get better. :-)

  7. Aw hang in there, transitions are hard -- in life and on horse back. They get better with practice though right? Was that as cheesy as I think it was? I'm sure you're not an incompetent scientist though I feel like an incompetent lawyer all the time and it's frustrating as hell. Hope my favorite golden pony is sound again soon!
